How to Sync Files from My Computer to My Synology NAS




I am experiencing similar activity (high cpu load > 90% and a lot of disk activity) of syno-cloud-clientd on DSM 5.1-5055 with CloudStation Package 3.2.3475.

What is syno-cloud

The syno-cloud-clientd process on my DSM 4.3-3810 powered DS213 is taking up all available CPU (along with it's friend, apparently, syncd).

Synology CPU Running At 99% – 100%

Find out why your Synology Nas CPU is running at 99% - 100%. Step by step guide to solve the problem with the most common causes.

最近NAS只要開啟Cloud Station Server裡面的syno-cloud

最近NAS只要開啟Cloud Station Server裡面的syno-cloud-clientd這支程序就會占用大量的CPU,從原本使用率只有10%不到突然飆高到40%甚至60%以上,原本 ...

原本以為是白天有人在同步所造成,但是半夜機子重啟後狀況一樣 ...

最近NAS只要開啟Cloud Station Server裡面的syno-cloud-clientd這支程序就會占用大量的CPU,從原本使用率只有10%不到突然飆高到40%甚至60%以上,原本以為是白天有人在 ...

Synology CPU 飆高

請問一下各位家里的NAS CPU使用率大約都是多少 目前這台NAS(DS716+II) Drive的CPU大約都在50%, 不知道正不正常呢? Synology CPU 飆高.

[問題] 請問群輝的cloud station會造成cpu飆高?

有人有用群輝的cloud station嗎? 我不知道為什麼,開啟這個功能會造成cpu保持滿載然後我的nas在兩天之內網路連不上三次(燈號都正常,也能用power鍵關機, ...


My Synology was up all night doing something, with a continuous diskload and high cpu (30-50%). Using the resource monitor I noticed it was…

Cloud Sync - High CPU Usage : rsynology

Normally my CPU idles at less than 10% with my normal packages running but for the past week or so its been running between 35 to 60 with ...

How to find out what appprocess on NAS is non stop writing to disk

Hello, Watching Resources Monitor on My Synology DS116 I can see, that there is something writing to disk non stop (few MB/s).

